Image Comics Future Society Series Take Readers to New Worlds of the Future. These Comic Books can be Magical, Terrifying and Weird!
Image Comics Future Society Series can be just about anything that refers to the future. Many books, especially comic books can write stories about the future, remaking the world from their imagination. The writers of these comic books have free will, no-one person knows what the future holds, giving comic book stories and their writers free range to build a future from their vision.
Comic book, Axcend written by Shane Davis takes readers to a new world in video games and back again, the cool part of this reality is that our hero is followed by ramifications from the game, when he returns to the real world.
Paper Girls written by Brian K. Vaughan is a comic book taking readers by storm! This perfectly written comic book shows readers a new reality, through the eyes of four teenage girls. They will encounter many odd things, things out of the norm for teenagers, well unnormal for just about anyone! And, soon Aliens attack and their reality will never be the same again!
These two comic books are prime examples of a Future Society depicted in an annual comic book series. Some of these stories start in modern times, but because of an unusual, unprecedented event, reality is changed and the future will never be the same again.
Other comic books in this category may already take place in a future society, Empty Zone is a perfect example. Empty Zone’s story is set in a futuristic world with a dark future filled with thugs and tinged with dystopian and supernatural elements that come together to make a gritty and intense world.
Image Comics Future Society Series gives readers a look at alternate futures. Some may be magical and some can be downright terrifying, but all make great reading for comic book lovers! White Dragon Comics is proud to offer readers the best in Image Comics Future Society Series comic books.