The Marvel Cinematic Universe bring Characters, Plots and Events together in a shared Universe. In the Cinematic Universe these Characters and thier Plots and Events can Crossover From Comic Books to Movies or Television Shows and Vice Versa.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a shared universe between comic books and television or movies. In this shared space, Marvel Comics can crossover characters, common plot elements, settings and cast members. The most notable character that preformed in television, comics and the movies from Marvel is Clark Gregg, aka Phil Coulson.
One of the first crossovers from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Iron Man. In this crossover epic, Marvel brought the famous Avengers and popular Iron Man together. In the following movies, more characters were added expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This allowed Marvel to produce several more movies using various superheroes and villains.
Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most notable crossover comes from Marvel Agents of Shield. The star of Shield, Agent Phil Coulson has appeared in several Marvel films, the hit television show and he is seen in the comic books as well. The cool part about Shield, the television show is that they continuously expand their universe, bringing new characters with each show. They have had appearances from the Inhumans, Nick Fury, Black Widow and several others.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the greatest ideas to come out of Marvel Comics. In this Universe anything can happen, anyone can make an appearance and all the characters can become characters in comic books! Another neat aspect of this shared universe is the fact that readers and viewers can see their favorite character in a different light, literally jumping from the pages of comic books to screens and vice-versa.
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