The DC Universe, with all its Colorful Characters and Complexity, is but a small part of a much larger Creation known as The Multiverse! Find Out About The Multiverse Today!
The DC Universe, with all its colorful characters and complexity, is but a small part of a much larger Creation known as The Multiverse. The Multiverse is comprised all the alternate time-lines involving different versions of familiar DC Heroes, Villains and other characters.
One of the coolest comic book titles spinning out of DC Comics Multiverse is Earth 2. Earth 2 is a very different place from Earth 1 – the home of the DC Universe – on Earth 1 the Justice league came together to stop Darkseids invasion. But on Earth 2, there was no Justice League, only the Trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, and they were not enough to stop Darkseid. So, when the comic book series opens we learn that Darkseid defeated the Trinity and conquered Earth 2 leaving it without any heroes. But the human spirit can only be held down for so long, so we are witness to the rise of a new generation of heroes. Will they prevail where their predecessors failed? Can they win back their world from the iron grip of Darkseid? Pick up a copy of Earth 2 to find out today!
DC Comics Convergence comic books was a two-month event that replaced DC Comics regular line of comics, while DC moved their offices from New York City to Burbank California. Convergence sees the worlds of pre-New 52 DC continuity stretching all the way back to pre-Crisis and interacting with each other. Convergence would also mark the end of The New 52 publishing line.
Fans can find many more DC Multiverse Comics here at White Dragon Comics! We encourage you to take your time and look over all of other comic book… you never know what treasure awaits you!