Action Comics # 1004 (DC Comics 2018)
Action Comics # 1004 (DC Comics 2018)

Action Comics # 1004 (DC Comics 2018)

Action Comics # 1004 (DC Comics 2018)

No issue has better defined why Brian Michael Bendis is the right writer to steer the Superman line of comics than Action Comics #1004. A strong issue that is not only romantic but genuine. Bendis and Sook deliver one of the most romantic, and genuinely mature relationship issues ofAction Comics, and superhero comics in general.

Superman confronts Lois Lane and wants answers: Where is Jon Kent?
What happened during Lois' trip into space with Jor-El?
Why didn't she contact the Man of Steel when she returned?
And most importantly, does she still love him? Or is the world-famous reporter looking to let Clark Kent down easy?

Action Comics # 1004 is written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Ryan Sook and Wade Von Grawbadger and a cover by Steve Rude.

Action Comics # 1004 is a 32 page full color comic book published by DC Comics and is rated T.

SKU AUG180496
Weight 2.0 oz
Price $3.99
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Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

E or A - Everyone or All Ages: Just like it sounds, these comic books are appropriate for children of any age. They are often aimed at the youngest readers

T - Tween: Generally suited for anyone over the age of 9

T+ - Older Teens: Best for ages 13 and up

M or PA - Mature or Parental Advisory: Comic books with this rating should not be sold to anyone under 18 without parental consent

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