Fables #125 (DC Comics 2013)
Fables #125 (DC Comics 2013)

Fables #125 (DC Comics 2013)

Fables #125 (DC Comics 2013)

So Snow White is finally getting an arc of Fables named after her?
That's too bad, since it always means the title character is about to be put through the ringer.
And she has to go through these trials and tribulations alone, because Bigby is off learning to drive which leads to its own harrowing implications.
But she's made of pretty stern stuff, our Snow, and she's never been a wilting flower in the face of adversity, so let's see what she's made of.

Fables # 125 is written by Bill Willingham and art by Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha with a cover by Mark Buckingham.

Fables # 125 is a 32 page comic book in full color with a rating of M for Mature Readers.

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Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

E or A - Everyone or All Ages: Just like it sounds, these comic books are appropriate for children of any age. They are often aimed at the youngest readers

T - Tween: Generally suited for anyone over the age of 9

T+ - Older Teens: Best for ages 13 and up

M or PA - Mature or Parental Advisory: Comic books with this rating should not be sold to anyone under 18 without parental consent

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