Harley Quinn # 28 (DC Comics 2017)
Harley Quinn # 28 (DC Comics 2017)

Harley Quinn # 28 (DC Comics 2017)

Harley Quinn # 28 (DC Comics 2017)

The corrupt mayor of New York City has been a thorn in Harley's side since the day he stepped into office and now he's crossed the line one time too many!
Harley's usual methods of dealing with problems like this have failed her, so it's time for a more unconventional solution is New York City ready for Mayor Harley Quinn?
It better be!

Harley Quinn # 28 is written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti with art by Tom Derenick and John Timms and a cover drawn by Amanda Conner.

Harley Quinn # 28 is a 32 page comic book drawn in full color and rated T+.

SKU JUL170374
Weight 2.2 oz
Price $2.99
Sale Price $2.39
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Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

E or A - Everyone or All Ages: Just like it sounds, these comic books are appropriate for children of any age. They are often aimed at the youngest readers

T - Tween: Generally suited for anyone over the age of 9

T+ - Older Teens: Best for ages 13 and up

M or PA - Mature or Parental Advisory: Comic books with this rating should not be sold to anyone under 18 without parental consent

Copyright © White Dragon Comics,
Long Pond, PA
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