Night's Dominion #  6 (Oni Press 2017)
Night's Dominion #  6 (Oni Press 2017)

Night's Dominion # 6 (Oni Press 2017)

Night's Dominion #  6 (Oni Press 2017)

As the demigod Grael emerges from legend to fight Uhlume's army, Emerane enters their stronghold to find the source of their power.
Aided by the Umber Knight and the Magus, she fights through to the tower's icy heart in search of the necromancer whose magic commands the undead soldiers.
But even as the city is overwhelmed, as the Asp falls to arrows, and the Acolyte prays to gods that may have never been there to listen, it's Emerane herself who faces the most devastating horror.
For the bloodthirsty necromancer behind it all may be the one person in the world she can't bring herself to fight.

Night's Dominion # 6 is written and drawn by Ted Naifeh.

Night's Dominion # 6 is a 32 page full color comic book published by Oni Press and is rated T.

Note: All prices in US Dollars
Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

Comic Book Ratings and What They Mean

E or A - Everyone or All Ages: Just like it sounds, these comic books are appropriate for children of any age. They are often aimed at the youngest readers

T - Tween: Generally suited for anyone over the age of 9

T+ - Older Teens: Best for ages 13 and up

M or PA - Mature or Parental Advisory: Comic books with this rating should not be sold to anyone under 18 without parental consent

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